Monday, April 9, 2012

What Technology Is Teaching Us

Not the most optimal
 device when
it comes to hiding secrets.
Not more than a few months ago, the Kindle Fire came on the market and began selling like hotcakes. I found this article (which strangely enough is no longer available for viewing) a few months back bemoaning some of the downsides to the product. Here are a few quotes I've taken from the article concerning some of the drawbacks to the Kindle Fire:
The Kindle FireAmazon’s heavily promoted tablet, is less than a blazing success with many of its early users. The most disgruntled are packing the device up and firing it back to the retailer.A few of their many complaints: there is no external volume control. The off switch is easy to hit by accident. Web pages take a long time to load. There is no privacy on the device; a spouse or child who picks it up will instantly know everything you have been doing.There will be improvements in performance and multitouch navigation, and customers will have the option of editing the list of items that show what they have recently been doing. No more will wives wonder why their husbands were looking at a dating site when they said they were playing Angry Birds.❞
After reading this article, I began to wonder: What is technology teaching us? That a device most certainly needs to be created so it's compatible with hiding the truth from our spouses.

Reading this made me just a little be angry and sad.

What do you think? What is technology teaching us? (Or perhaps it's just the big communication companies saying that if you need to cheat online at least they've created a failsafe method so your wife and kids don't find out.)

Monday, April 2, 2012

Training the Eyes and Heart

In a world full of enticing advertisements, sexy women on the big screen, and plenty of women breaking out the skimpy clothing for those long, hot summer months ahead, is it any wonder a man's eyes stray? I most certainly don't condone the stray glances of a man's eyes, nor do I condone the schoolboy chuckles when a man see's something particularly tantalizing. But how does a man, caught in an endless cycle of society's version of soft porn, get away from the smorgasbord displayed before him? We want him to heal. He wants to heal. And we want to get to a better place relationship-wise. But how does he get from the evils of point A to the freedom of point B?

He must learn to train the eyes and heart.

Perhaps you might think this to be an impossible feat, but in my own experience I know that my husband would never be able to make it through retraining what he lingers on if not for the grace of God and God's strength in his recovery. It has most certainly been a painful process for both of us. There have been starts and stops. There has been a relapse. There have been tears and anger and yelling and nights of me just lying awake in bed wondering when all the madness will stop. And praying that the madness will stop.

Because that's what addiction becomes to the addict.

A cycle of madness.

The madness only stops when he soulfully seeks the help he needs and starts his journey to let God take over the hurts, hang-ups, and painful habits hindering his life. Perhaps he needs to hit the bottom before the fog lifts and he realizes that now is the time to retrain what he'd been thinking, envisioning, dwelling on, holding tight to all along.

And maybe he's learned that if he doesn't start now, he will lose all those who've loved him throughout his downward spiral into his own destructive self-gratification.

But then again, perhaps not.

Do you believe an addict can learn to retrain his eyes and heart when it comes to the things that he lusts after or craves on a daily basis?