Monday, March 26, 2012

A New Challenge

I know I haven't been very consistent with the blogging here, but I'm going to try and play a little catch-up. Life has been pretty busy lately, with so much going on that my head hurts at times. I've had bits of good news (one of my other blogs won a state writing award!) and bits of challenging news (my daughter is going in for some educational testing). I spent a weekend researching in the city where my latest novel takes place (always fun, but it most certainly makes my brain work) and I've spent time planning an upcoming trip with my family.

In all of this swirl of activity, I decided to take on a new challenge, and I love a new challenge. Ever since my husband has been in recovery, I've been seeking out venues for women married to addicts. I've also been praying that the recovery group my husband attends would be interested in implementing a program for such women.

And lo and behold, my prayers were answered!

The leader of my husband's recovery program approached me with an idea and the study guides to go along with it. This small group will be for women like me -- those feeling left out in the cold when it comes to putting the pieces of a fractured relationship back together. I wasn't sure if there would be much interest, especially since my husband attends a smaller recovery group than some of the other ones in the area, but right off the bat there are four women who want to attend. Four women! When I thought I was the only one struggling to make sense of what is going on in my life!

I don't know if this program will take off and grow (I'll certainly be praying it will!), but I know that this is something I NEED and have needed for a long while. And it's obvious there are other women who need this group as well. This will be a place where it will be safe to express our heartache and how we're dealing with the rocky road, and often times slippery slope, of our spouse's (or family member's) addiction.

When I'm crying on the inside for someone to hear me, I always remember that God does, and many times he reveals to me the path I should take. This new group has become that path.

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