Monday, November 19, 2012


As the time nears to sit down with a turkey at my table (and no, I'm not referring to my husband), I wanted to list the top ten things I'm thankful for this year. So, here goes!

10. I have a car in my driveway that currently isn't suffering from some unknown problem.

9. I'll be able to spend the holiday with my husband and daughter, get cozy in front of the TV for the Thanksgiving parade, eat a tasty dinner, and top the day off with an annual favorite, Planes, Trains, and Automobiles.

8. My daughter's parent/teacher conference went well, and the end is in sight when it comes to my daughter's testing.

7. Pumpkin bars with cream cheese frosting! Yum!

6. My sister's baby that is due at the end of January. It's her first, and I'm very excited for her!

5. Beautiful, sunny weather this time of year.

4. God's provision for my family and the fact that He's always listening to my prayers!

3. My husband's one year of sobriety. He'll be sharing his testimony with a local recovery group and I'm praying that all goes well.

2. A roof over our heads, food on our table, and a wood-burning fireplace so we don't have to spend so much in natural gas this winter.

And, my #1 is:

1. Simply put, God's hand on my family. We've had a trying year, but God has been there for us every second, every moment, every week, and through everything that has happened. I have a joy in my heart that only God can create, and whether times are rough or not, I'll always have Him. He's who puts the joy into our family.

What are you thankful for this year?

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