Sunday, January 27, 2013

Don't Worry...I Didn't Fall Off the Face of the Earth!

I know it's been a while since I've been by here to post, but, quite honestly, life has been crazy busy.

First, there were the holidays, and those are always insane no matter how big or how small your family is. Ours is small, but we still had company from out of town and that always seems to monopolize my time.

Next, we dealt with the school district concerning my daughter's education. We've been through a long, exhausting process to find out what is going on with her education-wise. We've been through so much just trying to figure out her issues with her learning environment, and, like most public school districts, they enjoyed dragging the process out for as long as they possibly could. Were we satisfied with the end results? Well, not 100%, but we have tools in place for now and I think our daughter is on a better path.

Last, but not least, we've been struggling to make sense of some extended family issues. We were told by a certain individual in our family that they were going to make a decision whether we liked it or not. We did not like it or agree with it, but we've kept our distance and are just trying to make sense of all of it. We've decided we'll have to make some tough decisions concerning the welfare of our own immediate family, and that might require us voicing a final stance and sticking to it. Please, keep us in your prayers with this one.

On the flipside, there have been some good things happening over the past couple of months. My husband's recovery is going well. He's been invited to give his testimony at another church sometime in the near future, and he's always happy to share what God is doing in his life. We've also attended a couple's mentoring seminar that allows for us to mentor other couples, mainly within our church. Addiction is a hard thing to go through, but we have so many unpredictable and trying things happen in our marriage outside of addiction and we want to be able to share what God has given us. To anyone who thinks differently, marriage is not a piece of cake!

I hope all of you are having a better 2013 than you did a 2012. I know I certainly am so far!

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